Friday, July 10, 2015


In April we were supposed to go on a week long vacation with my parents. This became a very stressful issue. I could not imagine going on vacation with my parents and Tracy with all her outrageous behavior. Who wants to spend their vacation with someone who is yelling and screaming about everything. With someone who doesn't want to go anywhere or do anything. With someone who gets upset over the slightest misunderstanding.

So I told her she could no go on the vacation.  She took it better than I thought she would.  Over the next few weeks Tracy's behavior became even more bizarre. She began waking up at 4am talking to herself. Then she would leave for about one-half hour. Then she would come back and start cleaning. It was exhausting for the whole house. She started talking about her recently deceased friend Deirdre.  This made me quite nervous. I asked her if she was thinking of suicide. She said she wasn't.

Then I told her I was not comfortable with her staying alone in the house. She flew into a rage. Ranting and raving. I offered to fly her anywhere in the USA, to visit her mother or sister. NO! She insisted that she would not leave. That she would never leave. That I could never make her leave.  I dropped the issue and went on vacation with my parents.

more to come...

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