Tuesday, July 21, 2015


On my way to meeting the police at my home, I stopped by an Ace Hardware to get a chain and lock so I could lock my front gate once Tracy was out of the house.  I got to the house and called Steve, the Private Investigator, to find out when the police were going to arrive.  He told me to park around the corner and wait.  He would call when the police were there.

It was a short wait until I got the call.  I waved the police down and they showed me where to park.  They told me to wait there until it was over.  I gave them my key and alarm code so they could enter the house.  I told them that Tracy would probably be hiding in the house since I had a feeling she was hiding the day before.

I waited.  20 minutes later an officer came out to tell me they had announced that they were police entering the house about 12 times and Tracy did not answer or come out.  They searched the house and they found her in the bathroom downstairs with the door closed.  They asked her why she didn't answer and she said what are you doing in the house?  They told her they could have shot her because she didn't answer.  She continued to wonder why they were there.  The officer told me that they were having problems getting Tracy to leave.  Did I want them to arrest her or try to negotiate her out of the house?  I called my attorney and she and I agreed that it was best to negotiate her out.

I waited and waited.  For 2 hours I waited.  The officers came out periodically to give me updates.  She was talking to herself,  She was confused.  She had no where to go.  She was crying.  She was unable to pack anything.  She was packing everything.  The officers said her mental illness was clearly an issue.  They could not reason with her.  She was angry.  She was sad.  She was laughing to herself.  Finally she had packed way too many bags and walked down the street.  I had to wait a bit with the officers for about 15 minutes to make sure she didn't double back and then they escorted me inside.  I got inside and got my chain and lock and locked the gate.

I immediately called the alarm company and changed the alarm code and set the alarm.  I called the locksmith and he was coming in a few hours.  I went down to the garage and changed the code on the garage door. Well, I actually wiped the code out because I didn't know what I was doing.  Good enough!  I felt safe for the moment.  I called the dog walker and let her know she could bring the dogs back any time.  I would really feel safe once the dogs were back home.  They bark at everything.

Since it was late I just wanted to sit in a silent house for a bit.  Hear the silence.  Then I contacted everyone to let them know I was in the house and safe.  This part was over.

more to come...

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