Thursday, July 9, 2015


For the next few months things with our relationship went downhill.  Tracy began obsessively cleaning.  She would get up at 5 am and start cleaning.  But only cleaning certain things.  She cleaned the kitchen and swept the floors.  Every day.

Then she started de-cluttering. I would come home from work and things would be missing.  One day a plant would be gone.  I found it in the compost bin.  She decided it needed to go.  Another day the wine rack was gone.  Not sure what happened to the wine but the rack and the wine were gone.  It sort of became a game each day when I came home, what is gone today?  I tried to talk to her about it but she became incensed that I questioned her decisions.  After the first time, I just let it go.  Whatever she got rid of, I can replace.  My friends were upset that I was letting her throw my things away but it was not worth the argument.

To help Lulu the dog with her behavior problems I got a baby pen.  It was a 3'x3' pen that went in the living room.  Tracy was furious that I bought it and that it was "cluttering" up the house.  She flew into a rage about how it was cluttering up the house.  She was screaming and crying that the clutter was making her anxious.  This behavior went on for weeks.  She complained about that dog pen every day, many times a day.  Crying, screaming, yelling.

If I left anything where she didn't want it, I heard it obsessively.  If I left the toaster open after toasting a muffin, she would come in the kitchen and yell that I was so selfish that I would leave the toaster open and now she needed to make her breakfast and the toaster was open.  It would not be just one outburst but a continuous rant about how I was so irresponsible and selfish.

If I left a crumb on the counter, I never heard the end of it.  How could she make her meal with this mess on the counter?  There is no place for her to make her meal with all the mess on the counter.  I would never do this in anyone else's house, why would I do this in our house?  Over and over again for 30-60 minutes.

If she called m cell and I didn't answer, she would say she was not as important as my clients.  I always picked up the phone for my clients.  Why didn't I think she was as important as other people?  She would go on and on about how I didn't answer the phone and leave repeated voicemails about how I didn't answer the phone.  Her original call was about something like: was I going to be home to feed the dogs or guess what was on TV or we got the People magazine in the mail.   Nothing important or Earth shattering.

It was becoming an impossible living and working situation.  Something had to change.

more to come...

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