Saturday, January 30, 2016


I found out that Tracy moved to New Jersey.  I was happy at first.  I was able to leave the house without a restraining order.  Without having to look behind me all the time.

Then someone told me they saw her in town.  Is she back?  I don't know.  I am carrying the restraining order again.  I am checking behind me all over again.  Damn.  I thought it was going to end.


In November I met up with all my brothers and their partners and had a talk with them.  It was the first time I was meeting with them in person.  I sat them down and told them what I was going through. What I went through.  I wanted them to understand what domestic violence is and what it does to people.  I wanted them to know it was not just a break up.  That I would not just get over it.  They were all supportive and some cried.  It was a wonderful moment.

Then I met with my mother and her husband.  They were incredibly supportive.  I was very surprised since my relationship with my mother has not always been that great.  My mother has been the least judgmental and most supportive asking what can I do for you?  Are you safe?

Then this January I went to see my father and his wife.  Despite the fact that my father has been the most supportive person for most of my life, he has become not so supportive.  He has basically told me to get over it.  His wife got in an argument with me and yelled at me and called me a jerk.  I felt that was unacceptable considering I just got out of a situation where my partner yelled at me and called me names.  I was shocked. I told her she could never do that again.

It has been interesting how different people take the information.  One brother got upset because I was saying things about Tracy.  He began defending her.  My step-mother doesn't want to stop employing her.  Long story short Tracy works for my step-mother's sister.  I asked them to stop employing her and they didn't want to because they were afraid if they stopped employing her Tracy would get mad and do something to her sister.  I was upset that they were worried about her sister and not worried about me.  By continuing to employ Tracy they were allowing her to live in my area by giving her money.  Others said they never liked her that much anyway.

Many friends told me they liked Tracy but they really liked me.  I was shocked because Tracy was larger than life. She filled the room.  Tracy used to tell me that I was mean and that people didn't like me so I still have a hard time hearing that people like me and didn't like her.

more to come...

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